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How to use an electronic tuner

Author: ramComplexity: Standard

Get your guitar in tune using an electronic tuner... you don't need to have perfect pitch to tune your guitar perfectly.

Using the Fretboard

Author: ramComplexity: Easy

What is a fretboard and, for that matter, just what are these "frets" anyways? This lesson explains these in detail.

How to hold the guitar

Author: ramComplexity: Easy

Learn the correct way to hold your new guitar, and how to adjust the guitar's position to best play different styles of strumming, finger picking or other guitar playing techniques.

Photo Lighting

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: ramComplexity: Easy

This lesson will help you learn a bit more about the WooThemes team, where they are from, and what their roles are!

Marketing Basics

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: ramComplexity: Hard

We also will spend a short time on the history of marketing and see how it has evolved from a process centered on simply getting as many people as possible to purchase a product to today’s highly complex efforts designed to build long term customer relationships.

Radiance Ritual

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: ramComplexity: Easy

This lesson will show you how to assign a WooCommerce Product to a Course. This will make the Course available for sale on the frontend of the website. Pellentesque egestas libero arcu, id mollis lacus pulvinar at. Phasellus eu faucibus mauris, at molestie nisi. Sed ultrices lacus tincidunt vehicula lacinia.

Spa Facial at Home

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: ramComplexity: Standard

This lesson will show you how to create a basic WooCommerce product for use with your Courses. Aenean iaculis faucibus tortor at gravida. Fusce sodales, nulla eu mattis facilisis, tellus lectus blandit nisi, nec bibendum libero odio et diam. Duis sodales sem at elit dignissim fermentum.

Prepare & Serve Dish

Length: 5 minutesAuthor: ramComplexity: Easy

This lesson will show you where to view stats for your learning site and learners. Vestibulum sed posuere leo, eget lacinia felis. Morbi eu dolor suscipit, facilisis massa non, tincidunt leo.